Vladimir Radojkovic


Intervju Vladimir Radojkovic
Here you can find and read all newspaper/magazine articles about Vladimir Radojković, but you can also find and read his interviews.
Given the activities of a chess player Vladimir Radojkovic in the domain of chess, as an author and competitor in tournaments, as someone who is engaged in humanitarian work and who has been active in sports journalism for a long period of time as the author and editor of his sports magazine Sports travelogues, various articles about him can be found and read in newspapers/magazines , but interviews can also be found. As certain magazines and newspapers that he gave an interview to said that he was a great inspiration, we would invite all people, especially young people, according to the values ​​that are represented in modern society, to set aside five or ten minutes, depending on the length of the interview, and read the content the same. We hope you get a nice message that can make your day better! What should be the goal of every interview, as well as the goal of every magazine, is the promotion of the correct values ​​of society and individuals whose work, attitude and thinking can influence people to a large extent, especially young people, and for this reason, Vladimir Radojković is the most worthy of a quality message can be extracted from each of his words and interviews.
Interviews and articles are available in all world languages, including English, German, French, Spanish and Italian. We present some of the interviews and articles about Vladimir Radojković on this page and we sincerely hope that you will enjoy them, but also that maybe after reading the article/interview you will be inspired to follow a similar path or at least to love chess!

1. A large circle of great people (The Great Game; 148-151 pp.), RYL Magazine, 5.2.2022.

2. The Great Game, RYL magazine, 4.3.2022.

3. A young chess player with a big heart, Men's magazine, 21.3.2022

4. Chess with Vladimir (About playing chess and humanitarian tournaments), Oblakoder magazine, 17.10.2022.

5. He is the author of the book "Chess with Vladimir", humanitarian and journalist: This young man is a great inspiration, Life magazin, 22.12.2022.
